Friday, April 19, 2013

Re-lunch !! I mean, re-launch!

It was a blog about food, it will still be a blog about food. Perhaps less 'oh crap I forgot I had a blog!' and more 'intermittent,' as the original description stands. Whoops !

I'm a fan of lists, so let's go with that. Things new of note:

- I started eating Paleo or Caveman style (more on that in another post) about a year ago. As a result I lost a bunch of weight, lowered my cholesterol etc. and have found it pretty easy to keep weight off and all that.

- I still eat plenty of not great for you food but I am not kidding myself anymore when I am not eating well. ::glares at old Friday morning bagel::

- I seem to cook less and eat out more as of late. The upside is you might get pictures of tasty food !

- I have a garden where I try to grow some of my own food.

- I pickle, jam and I started making my own wine. Vinegar is on the table next so stay tuned.

- I also started recently making bar soap which is totally not related to food. It might pop up now and again. Deal with it.

I tried Caviar... Two Thumbs UP!!

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